2011 review........


today is 31st December..
and that's mean it is the end of year 2011..
well.. its been a while..
time pass by..
and never realize that its almost a year time had pass..

in this 365 days..
I would like to make a short review about this year..
I know.. many of us will do this..
but I insist want to do to..
heeee.. :D

the sixth semester started..
its the semester after I took a break for one semester..
the semester before.. I gone for practical..
so.. its mean.. 
there is almost a biggggg gap for me to start study back..

my friend and I gone for a trip..
not a really a trip..
but we spent a day at Kota Tinggi..
with the waterfalls..
feel like want to go there once again..

its the semester where I stayed at a new college..
before this I just stayed at KTF..
but in this semester..
I stayed at KRP..
which is a new environment to me..
just walk to go to the class..
very healthy ryte.. heee..

in this year..
I had been chosen as PMP secretary..
SECRETARY of a club..
my whole year is filled with the club programme..
running many programmes  for the club..
very tiring..
and need to observe the secretary's programme..
and at the end of this year also..
I already resigned the post..
yeahh.. after the AGM..
then.. its all just leave as a nice moment..

its the year where I need to focus on my FYP..
yeahh.. as a final year student..
spending on the most important project..
still pending some of the chapter..

I've been working as a teacher..
meanwhile waiting for the semester open..
its a 3 months..
but everything is very precious..
knowing the SK Bayan Lepas..
from the teacher until the students..
and its the school where my father works too..

this year..
almost all of my family EXCEPT my mom..
including myself..
i had to stayed at the hospital for ONE night..
with the IV drip at my neck..
facing the problem with the blood..
where the doctor could not find the vein..
very sick of it..

this year also..
I had spent my Ramadhan at home..
yeahh.. its been four years I could not spent fully Ramadhan at my home..
really missed it..
but this year I get it..

its also where the seventh semester begins..
it means.. begins as a final year student.. 

its a year full of colourful..
many things happy and sad happened..
my relationship with my friends..
all had been tested in this year..
my the only one principle..
also been tested..
but every things happened for a reason..
I believe for it..

this year will remains and never been forgetting..
thanks to all my friends to cheer up my this year..


  1. bye2 2011... heee.. may your 2012 full of happiness aina... all da best. (◕‿-)


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