2011 review........

Assalammualaikum.. today is 31st December.. and that's mean it is the end of year 2011.. well.. its been a while.. time pass by.. and never realize that its almost a year time had pass.. in this 365 days.. I would like to make a short review about this year.. I know.. many of us will do this.. but I insist want to do to.. heeee.. :D first.. the sixth semester started .. its the semester after I took a break for one semester.. yeahh.. the semester before.. I gone for practical.. so.. its mean.. there is almost a biggggg gap for me to start study back.. second.. my friend and I gone for a trip .. not a really a trip.. but we spent a day at Kota Tinggi.. with the waterfalls.. feel like want to go there once again.. third.. its the semester where I stayed at a new college.. before this I just stayed at KTF.. but in this semester.. I stayed at KRP .. which is a new environment to me.. just walk to go to the cl...