graduation episode 5

Assalammualaikum.. 14th october.. the date that all of us waited.. its the ceremony day.. in the morning.. we checked out and head to UTM.. cause some of our parents already on their way.. pose2 dulu before gerak first thing to do when arrived at UTM.. I visited PMP booth.. i missed them.. so I have a look at them for a while.. yeahh.. they greet me very well.. after that, I received call that my parents already arrived.. I went to greet them.. and wait for the studio photo shooting.. and I'm very happy cause all my family member are here.. including my little brother at muadzam.. and of course my little brother at UTM.. and also my grandmother also there.. after the studio photo session.. I said goodbye to my grandmother, my uncle and my little brother.. cause they are heading back.. and leave my parents.. they will enter the hall for the ceremony.. wif my parents and grandmother well.. in the hall.. its really exc...